To everyone involved and to the youth of Pickens County SC Released time. I would like to start by saying it is a pleasure to call you my brothers and sisters. You have taken a stand to learn and grow with the counselor of life. First and foremost it is important that I let everyone know this gift was not from me but the Father. It is He who took me through this journey and gave me the words to encourage all of you. This to date is the most important step in your wild and crazy adventure your soon to call life. Our Father, the Creator, is one with a vivid imagination and His purpose for you will be a lifetime of fulfillment for the Kingdom. Many think Christianity is just rules and organized worship. Some even say it can feel like a prison sentence! My brothers and sisters I can attest to you that it is the exact opposite. When you follow God He will take you places unimaginable and your potential is without limits!
I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13
Many people in the Bible were living everyday lives just like you, until they answered Gods call. He used them to name the animals, liberate His chosen, Kill a giant, part oceans, stand with lions in a pit, live in the belly of a great fish and to populate the Earth. He to will use all of you in a big way. —Ernest Curry
I would like to leave you with a few things to remember:
– Your city, your mission, Show others God’s love daily.
– Don’t take God’s majesty for granted; He paints the sky for each of us to see.
– Look for His unexpected; He is about to move in a big way.
– Understand you leave a trail of God’s work behind, everywhere you go.
– Sing praises to Him, because after all He gave us everything.
– In hard times, fall into His arms; He is our comforter.