When it comes to anointing in which we are predestined; who is to pass judgement or criticize on the methods or actions by which the individual chooses? Are we not to lift each other up in prayer for wisdom and guidance? Are we not to embrace hardships or trials with our brothers and sisters as they walk through their ministry? The methods might not be what we imagine but no one understood why Noah built a boat in the middle of dry land. Why is it that if one proclaims Good News and when their method is not in line with our vision or how it should be done we claim how false they must be? The simple truth to look for is sincerity and love toward the creator and designer of Life. That is the beginning of true gospel. Three things that will last forever faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13
Love is the ultimate attribute we can use to show Christ in us. Are we not called to encourage and give strength to our family in Jesus? Understand that amongst the body some may try and profit from the preaching and teaching they conduct. But as Paul states in Philippians 1:18 What is the issue? Only that in every way, whether by false motives or true, Christ is preached. And in this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice.
One’s anointing is between the individual and God who has made him or her for His purpose and calling. Is any believer worthy to stand between one’s calling and the Lord?
Even David understood that he was not to kill Saul when the chance arose, because God gave Saul the anointing as King. Instead David leaned not on his understanding but the Lords to fulfill Gods promise. When we try to work off our understanding we tend to get in the path of God and His design. It seems today that we are quicker to point out a believer’s issues than to share the Gospel with a stranger. I understand this is not always the case but a mere observation.