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A bear market in the so-called FAANG stocks – Wall Street’s most popular trade going into the year – is pushing fund managers into searching for the next big growth companies that can lead the overall market higher. The demonstrations over rising prices and a nationwide cash shortage are the largest in Sudan in five years. PAUL NEWMAN Picture the scene. An emerging all-rounder, barely out of university, is in his first summer of Test cricket and doing his utmost to fit in with some of crickets biggest names.
The two golfers, who made a splash at the Ryder Cup and who are now being called Moliwood, may give the tour a boost. The former president delivers part of George Washingtons farewell address on One Last Time (44 Remix). The price of crude oil has more than doubled over the past year after bottoming out at $26 per barrel in February 2016. As the head of Al-Jazeera for eight years, Wadah Khanfar transformed the network into one of the most influential in the Middle East. Al-Jazeera’s coverage of the Arab revolts this year, brought the network millions of viewer and praise from around the world, which is why Foreign Policy magazine has honored Khanfar as one of its “Top 100 Global Thinkers.” Boxing Dayfootball has been played since the inaugural season of the Football League when Preston won 5-0 at West Brom and Derby were 3-2 winners at Bolton. But who has the most points? The $9 million match on Friday would have included women if the pair had followed through on their stated desire to grow the game. The event might have been more entertaining, too.
In which we consult the Book Reviews past to shed light on the books of the present. This week Jane Howard on Betty Ford.
Hear seasonal tracks from Wynton Marsalis, Lucius, Rae Sremmurd and others. Syrian air defenses on Tuesday confronted Israeli missiles above Damascus and downed most of them before reaching their targets, state TV quoted a military source as saying.