Hunger cannot be sustained by bread alone
Alone we cannot sustain through mere devotion to a cause
Through grace we can endure
Through faith we can go on
Hell we cannot bear alone
Father lead us into trials
Trials that bend us
For without steadfast mercy, we will loose sight
Give endurance that produces strength
For a tree can not hold itself without roots
Roots that have withheld the strength of the wind
The wind that tested its foundation
We cannot walk the defile of a valley without knowledge
Knowledge cannot construct wisdom unless its forged with understanding
Wisdom cannot be earned but given to the one who seeks
She does not present herself to the crowd
She does not know the lazy
She knows only the willing
What is important about life without truth
Walking in the dark is impossible without light
Light is not known to those who choose darkness
Darkness will taste it’s pound of flesh
Flesh is the ruler of the dark
Temptation is it’s bride
To deny oneself is to deny it’s own flesh
To what is known
Nothing is known without endurance
What is endurance without resistance
What worthy resistance is known to a cause
What does this world have to offer that is worth sacrifice
To what cause is worthy of life
Foundations cry aloud
The ignorant overlooks her pain
Her pain is like that of labor
But to what will she give birth to
Continue to pay her with sin
Destruction is her child’s name
What will the end be
To that of a mercy; One of a risen King
Destruction knows His name; but many do not
His name was stronger than the grave that held Him down
But her foundations had no grasp; freedom to each, freedom to all
He gave life; everlasting