The blessing in this process was that He asked such an impossible task for someone who was very unqualified to author a book. For a long time I thought I knew my Father, but through His journey for my life I experienced Him. It is so scary how many of us think we have what it takes and carry what we call a cross. Sunday by Sunday we are full of Religion but come Monday we are back to being the normal earthly shadow. That was me for most of my life, but through His compassion and grace I learned how to dance before my King. It’s not what we do in public that matters most. It is how we praise and worship Him in private that proves the nature of our heart. He longs for a relationship with each and everyone of us. He wants to know we trust Him with every aspect in our life and that we believe with all our hearts He is the provider of all things. The truth is in His words and His book, the precious Bible. Living for Him is challenging because earth will tell you so much about life and how to live a life in the box of earthly normalities.
We are far from normal and not of this earth. We are His because He made us in His image and each and everyone of us are carefully made for a purpose in mind. We are unhappy in life or in discontent with our current situation because we are not on the road He paved for us. Everyone longs for the unexplainable because there is something out there that we cannot find. This is because He is everywhere, we have to open our ears and eyes to truly see Him. Many will go their whole lives searching for the unexplainable but will die unhappy because the refusal to believe in the unseen. It takes faith and faith is letting go and giving control to the Father, no longer trying to control life. He wont let go and He won’t stop chasing you in this life. He leaves The ninety-nine for the one He lost and heaven rejoices more for the one than all the religious combined. Many will ask and question His power or why He just doesn’t end satan and go back to how it was in the garden. I ask you this; would that be the way to find true love? Would we have free will? There is more power in giving yourself freely as a bond-servant than being a slave. The secret of life that this world fails to recognize is Love. How could it not be? It’s the very reason why Jesus went to the cross to save us from our sins. The opposite of Love is the snares satan will entrap us with daily. My challenge for you today is to cut off the tv, don’t allow the outside factors to seep into your mind and talk to the Father. He is ready to answer. Again thank you all for your love and support for the book. Thank you Father for answering so many of Your promises You gave me; the promises that gave me courage to write the message You entrusted to Your bond-servant.