Have you ever gone a full day with out wondering who you are and why you are different from others around you? Are you dissatisfied with where you are currently? Do you always feel like you arrive too short or too late to an opportunity that is presented before you? It’s easy to look around and see the resemblance of your characteristics in everyone else but you know your different. You see goats have settled in with the flock. They are people who conform to reality by coming to terms with life as it is presented to them. They realized if you don’t make waves in the realm of life there is a minimal chance of getting hurt. A goat is ok with going to work day after day in hopes of one day enjoying this life when its all said and done. what if you know you have an unlimited power that lives inside you and its groaning to be let out? Is your inner being driving you to a different thought pattern? Or have you noticed you have the ability to make waves with unorthodox ideas for innovation. Yet the audiences you associate with limit that ability or you contain it since you are afraid to speak your true feelings. Because every time you give birth to the thoughts in your head everyone’s opinion kills the dreams you have inside you. Is it the fear of what others will think of you if you fail? Pride hides in many forms but it is the killer to all joy and glory. You must understand failure is used to measure the character of a bull. Some will become goats afraid to fail again and yet it is easier to claim your stake with the herd. The bull, the one who is prepare to fail, and fail again will at one point or another become the champion of his or her purpose in life. Failure is a method of pruning and pruning becomes new fruit.
When we align our efforts and feelings with what God has placed before us we will return the talents received and then some. Everyone has an opinion but God has a purpose because He is a true Father. So if He is for you then what can stand against you. Don’t be fooled by the distractions of a goat or the fear the devil places on your mind. Many will sit and ponder why they don’t have more, but a bull realizes God does not give more when you fail to honor the gifts he has already given. How can He trust someone with more when they don’t value and care for the blessings He provides. Our thoughts and perceptions of ourselves is a reflection of the potential we will produce. If we see success, we will be successful. If we see lazy, we will be lazy, but through Christ Jesus all things are possible. So why not crack into that unlimited reserve of power. Why not believe in something great if we have the inability to believe in ourselves. What do you have to loose? What will you gain if its not true? But what if its real, what if you see the change that can only come from the creator of our universe? What if? Are you a bull or a goat? You only have a single life to live, will people find your obituary interesting? If the answer is no then begin to live for Him and see the story He will write through you. Because the power He can give will be like nothing you have ever seen before. The universe doesn’t provide power but the power rest in the creator.
For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom and glory of the children of God. Romans 8:20-21