Behold, a day is coming for the Lord, when the spoil taken from you will be divided in your midst. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken and the house plundered and the women raped. Half of the city shall go into exile, but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Zechariah 14:1-2
Since my existence I have experienced the end of times discussion from the church. Is this a tactic of bringing people to the realization of their separation of God? Or is this a proclamation since the ascension of the Lord, that we have been in the last days? Prophecy is not a formation of words, it is a promise of a sovereign God whether spoken by a prophet or the Lord Himself. For the Lord of Host does not bring life to a collection of lies, for that is a collaboration of the devil and his ways to continually keep the distance between the flock and the Shepherd. Understand that we have been predestined to follow the guidance of a Creator which proclaims the prosperity of His chosen. This is thorough His divine purpose which He has already placed in our path. Does this mean in our walk as long as we are following our purpose we will be free of the pain and suffering of the process? No, we will always need the refinement and pruning of the Lord. With out the Lords chastising and pruning we will collapse under the weight of our own minds. It is the mind and whispers of the devil which gives birth to pride and love of self. When we grow to fast we cannot bear the cup placed in front of us due to our own desires and evil which lives in all of us. It is our rebellion and little faith which brings life to failure, versus what He has predestined for each of us. We must stay inline with the Law placed before us and keep our ears tuned to what God gives us daily. Once we have received the path and purpose of the Lord we must know the times in which are before us. This allows us to understand the dynamics of mapping our movements and putting in the work. Gods involvement helps keep the decision making process easier with less wrong turns as we make moves to live out His purpose in our lives. Understanding the Bible as a living document will bring the guidance of the Lord in our lives to reality. Studying the word isn’t the same as doing research in a history book. It’s placing us into the stories and living them to capture the meaning into what God is trying to do in each of us. The proof is as simple as the chosen verse for this writing. Look as Israel today and its current situation and the reality in Zechariah 14. Until we understand the Bible is alive and our key to a relationship with the Creator, or as many like to say today “The Universe”, we will not capture its complete glory or divinity. When people wonder or ask, “are we in the end of days?” I would say yes and here is why, Jesus is life and His creation placed the light of the world on a cross, and the light graciously went freely as a lamb before slaughter. By doing this He not only destroyed the bondage of sin and shame but He gave us the ability to defeat a dark and dying world. Healing was in His wings and the inability to see this, is still the bondage that entrapments many today. Our life is a sprint away till we depart for the life after death, wether the end is death or life its is easy to choose what ours will be. Good or bad, we choose here today before the Lord with our actions and ways. What do we live for? Is life just time between growth, career and death or is it a pathway to leave a kingdom impact. We all wake up without the clue or foreshadowing if today is our last. So what drives us to breath? What keeps our heart beating? Is it the purpose and hope of free will, from a just God in hope of our return to Him? Many will say God is unjust because all the death surrounding Christianity, I would encourage you to reach down and feel your pulse, for it is the grace of God that your heart beats. It’s a miracle.