Sowing to Reap

The Lion Inside Us
October 21, 2017
Man My Creation
October 21, 2017
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. Gal 6:9-10 KNJV

To walk in faith with an understanding of doing, so that others may receive, may at times seem counterintuitive to normal beliefs. Why work for another, to just walk away with less than you had before. See we tend to forget our blessings come in many forms and the methodology of the Father may not line up perfectly to our intentions or outcomes. Ladies and Gentlemen we are human. The Father is everlasting and what He see’s is much broader and more detailed than we could ever imagine. We also forget that humans are very observant and our eyes collect information for the brain, whether or not we realize this. My point is we so often forget that others, subconsciously or not, are taking notes of our every movement and especially if we are working for the good of others. People will form opinions, good or bad, about you and your walk as they witness actions. You are the light in darkness and may very well be the only view they have at what it is to be a Christian.

Understand that the Father uses us daily in preparation of His kingdom and how fragile this world is that we call earth. We must look beyond our earthly motivations because not everything we want will be in line with His vision of our lives. Earth is a violent and disturbing place. Why is it that no matter what goes on, we cannot live in peace? We are disturbed in our own bodies to the point of depression yet we fail to see the beauty in each day. Satan is the key to the locked door on this planet. He has ruled earth before the lights were turned on, because where else would he go after being launched from Heaven. Yet our Father came down and humbled himself to give His creation life. Even though Satan existed on earth, God showed the world Satan’s power has no control. Satan is the key on earth because how could we prove to our Father that we are worthy without temptation.

Sow your fields without worry of return; He will make your crops plenty. Sow your fields destined for earthly success and He is absent in your plan. You see we must keep Him in our plans and our intentions. God wants to be apart of our success but mostly He wants us to show Him we are capable of handling the bigger tasks He has in store for us. Our virtues are grown in our trials. That is where our true reward is born.


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